Mark Podwal’s Kaddish for Dabrowa Bialostocka

Poster for Bialystok exhibition of Podwal’s 18 prints “Kaddish for Dabrowa Bialostocka.” 

Art exhibition August 4 to August 28 at the Zamenhof Center, Bialystok, Poland.
The series is based on a 2016 visit to the shtetl in Poland where the artist’s mother was born.
Still Bialystok, but on a different note, Podwal’s drawing of a herring on a bialy gained an audience in Bialystok — and Hollywood: American actor, writer, producer, director and comedian Mel Brooks. 
A patient of Podwal, who in addition to being an artist is also a dermatologist, Brooks was drawn to the work because his ancestors sold herring in Danzig, Poland.
Read Menachem Wecker’s article here.


Filmmaker Mel Brooks and artist Mark Podwal. Photo by Luz Santiago.

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