The 4 Sons at Gitler &_____

This NYC exhibition features art by Angélica Muñoz Castaño, Jason Covert, Lori Field, Kristian Glynn, Dennis Kardon, Boy Kong, Erik Olson, Graham Preston, Archie Rand, Team Macho, and Tom Sanford.

Gitler &_____

3629 Broadway, (b/w 149th and 150th), NYC 10031

April 12, 2016 – May 13, 2016
Opening reception: Tuesday, April 12, 6-9 PM

Hours: Saturday 1pm – 6pm, Sunday 1pm – 6pm, Monday 3pm – 8pm
+ by appointment.

Archie Rand – V‘ata Shoonra, 2006 14 x 10 In. Pencil on Paper

This group exhibition The 4 Sons, comprising eleven works by eleven artists, each a visual interpretation of a vague part of the Passover Seder liturgy which describes four sons: wise, wicked, simple, and he who does not know to ask. The four sons embody the four passages in the Torah that instruct us to retell the Exodus, and inherent to these four messages is the knowledge that all four sons are within ourselves.

Each artist was invited to create his or her own portrait of these tersely described brothers, or in some respect, to transcend their “Egypt.” While the Seder meal’s primary function is to recount the Exodus from Egypt and to celebrate freedom, curiosity and inquisitiveness are the encouraged methods to draw out the night’s themes. The exhibition presents distinct interpretations of these children, ranging from the more traditional depictions of the father/son Seder engagement to a photographic portrait of four sisters, the aunts of a young Colombian-American artist.

The 4 Sons will commence 10 days before the beginning of Passover, and will run during the holiday. This exhibition was conceived as both a nod to the gallerist’s three brothers and to the rich Jewish history of Hamilton Heights. Within one block of the gallery in either direction once stood two grand synagogues, including Temple B’nai Israel at 604 West 149th St., a copper-domed Emery Roth building that once seated 1,400 worshippers, but has long since been torn down.

A printed catalogue will accompany the group exhibition.

Erik Olson 1
Erik Olson Four Brothers Spectrum, 2016 Oil Pastel and Pigment Stick on Paper 15 x 11 In.

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