The Jewish Art Salon is now accepting Emerging Artist Membership applications.


  • Must have graduated university (undergraduate or post-graduate) within the past five years

Exceptions may be made for self-taught artists and those who took courses at vocational schools.

Emerging Artist Members benefits:

  • Opportunities within the Salon to help produce, curate, and organize public art exhibitions
  • Eligibility to respond to calls for art for exhibitions and for the press
  • Exhibition fee waivers for Jewish Art Salon calls for art when relevant, by request
  • Listing in our Artist Members directory
  • Eligibility for all other Jewish Art Salon benefits, as listed here
  • Greatly reduced annual dues.

Application will be juried.

Apply here and make sure to answer the graduation question.

You will be notified within four weeks.

Upon receiving a notice of acceptance:

Set up Paypal subscription HERE for yearly recurring membership fee $10.

This is a yearly recurring payment, until your emerging artist status runs out. Membership may be canceled at any time.
